Joint Media Release - Australians can't afford another Labor Budget - Tuesday 18 March 2025

Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Next week, Anthony Albanese and Jim Chalmers must outline their economic plan for the next five years, not just the next five weeks.


Labor did not want to deliver this Budget – but it now has a chance to deliver a plan to restore Australia’s prosperity, instead of a political solution for Anthony Albanese’s re-election.


After Labor’s three failed Budgets, Australians are poorer under Labor but the government has failed to outline an economic plan.


The Albanese Labor Government's three Budgets have sent Australian families and small businesses backwards.


The Treasurer has confirmed despite higher taxes and higher inflation, he has turned windfall surpluses into ongoing deficits, which will only put further pressure on prices and further pressure on debt.


Australians are doing it harder than ever. Prices keep going up, wages aren’t keeping pace, and everyday life feels harder under this bad Labor Government. Families are paying more but getting less, record numbers of Australians working multiple jobs just to stay afloat, and young Australians can’t afford to buy their first home.


Small businesses are going to the wall. Higher energy prices, red and green tape, and higher taxes have sent a record number of businesses into bankruptcy under Labor.


Labor’s spending is making things worse. Independent economists agree Labor’s reckless and wasteful spending has kept interest rates higher for longer, making mortgages and rents harder to afford. Debt is higher, taxes are higher, prices are higher, and Australians are paying the price of Labor.


The only way to bring prices down is strong economic management. Australians need a government that lives within its means, that can deliver lower taxes, prioritises essential services, ends government waste, and has a credible path to surplus.


On Tuesday next week, Australians need to see a Budget that:


1.      Restores our standard of living and gets inflation down sustainably

2.      Restores prosperity and creates opportunity for all Australians

3.      Restores Budget discipline and honesty


Australia’s economy needs strong economic management to restore our prosperity and our standard of living. Only a Dutton Coalition Government will deliver an economic plan that will get Australia back on track.


Quotes attributable to Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor:


Labor’s past three Budgets have been complete flops and its fourth is shaping up to be the biggest catastrophe yet.


We need to see a Budget that delivers for the next five years, not just the next five weeks.


Australians need strong economic leadership more than ever, but Labor has failed to deliver a clear strategy to ease cost-of-living pressures and support small businesses.


Instead of responsible financial management, we’ve seen reckless spending, increased taxes, and poor policy decisions that have only made life more expensive for families and businesses.


Australia is facing the steepest decline in living standards on record. No other advanced economy has experienced a downturn as severe as ours.


This Government has been a complete failure. We simply cannot afford another three years of Labor.


We need to get Australia back on track by getting rid of government waste, cutting red tape, reducing tax, encouraging businesses to invest, balancing housing supply with migration and delivering cheaper energy with a mix of renewables, gas and zero-emissions nuclear energy.


Quotes attributable to Shadow Finance Minister Jane Hume:


In the last three years, Australians have seen a record collapse in their living standards and Labor has made all Australians poorer.


As so many economists have said, Labor’s reckless and wasteful spending has kept inflation higher for longer, causing interest rates to remain high and pushing Australian families closer to the edge.


What is worse, so much of this spending has been on wasteful wrong priorities with no Budget discipline.


Australians need a Budget that reduces spending, improves productivity, and improves living standards.


Australians can’t afford another three years of Labor. Only a Coalition Government will deliver the economic management and discipline to get our Budget and the economy back on track.