Green Army funding confirmed or Goulburn Wetlands Project

Monday, 24 March 2014

24 March 2014

Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor today confirmed Green Army funding for ongoing work at the Goulburn Wetlands.

Mr Taylor said the funding would employ a team of young people to work on propagation and establishment of native species, weed control and development of infrastructure.

“The aim is to improve the Wetlands ecosystem – through improved biodiversity and water quality and through replacement of weed species with local native plants to create habitat for native animals. The team will also help provide community access to the Wetlands by building footpaths, public spaces and facilities.”

Mr Taylor said it was one of five Green Army projects approved for Hume and part of a wider Coalition commitment to supply a Green Army of up to 15,000 young people to tackle environmental issues in their local communities.

“Under this project up to nine young people aged 17 to 24 will be employed for 20 to 26 weeks to carry out the work. Each participant will be paid an allowance, which will vary according to age and qualifications. There will be a Team Supervisor who will be paid a wage consistent with the Gardening and Landscaping Services Award.

“This project is a collaborative effort between Goulburn Mulwaree Council (as the landowners) and various community organisations. Green Army trainees may need to study conservation and land management modules through NSW Tafe, allowing them to gain skills in plant recognition, tree planting, land clearing and restoration, designing interpretive signage and constructing walking trails, tracks and viewing platforms.”

In a speech to parliament today Mr Taylor said there was a growing excitement in local communities about encouraging youth participation and training.

“Only a few months away from kick off in July and already on the ground, teams of organisers are ready to swing young people into action. Youth unemployment is high in parts of my electorate. Youth participation in local community is low. The Green Army Programme is a great initiative to encourage young people who are looking to participate.”  

Mr Taylor said a tender process would be underway shortly to employ a service provider who would engage Green Army team members, pay allowances and manage team activities.

He said further details on how young people could apply would be provided after the service provider was contracted.