Coalition backs struggling hospitality sector left in ruins by Labor - Saturday 1 March 2025 

Tuesday, 04 March 2025

An elected Dutton Government will freeze indexation on draught beer excise for two years to support a hospitality sector that has been hammered by a weak and incompetent Labor Government. 


The Coalition has been in discussions with stakeholders on this policy for a long time and has given it serious consideration. The Opposition will pursue this policy because we recognise the struggles our pubs, clubs and restaurants have endured under three years of Anthony Albanese’s leadership.


On Labor’s watch, 4,000 hospitality businesses have hit the wall with one in 11 going insolvent in the past six months alone.


The reason excise is so high is because Labor let inflation rage out of control for over two years. The price of alcoholic beverages have increased by almost 11% since Labor came to office.


Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor said freezing indexation now does not undo this damage but will make a small difference to working families and hospitality businesses struggling under Labor’s cost-of-living and cost-of-doing business crisis.


"The government has chosen the eve of an election to promise voters a freeze on a tax that has skyrocketed due to its failure to address inflation at its core,” Mr Taylor said.


“Working Australian families have seen prices rise by 18.9% since Labor came to office. While a few cents off beer will be welcome, it will not fix all the damage that has been caused by Labor’s failed economic management. The only way to do that is a change of government.”


The Coalition’s commitment to the excise freeze comes on top of its recently announced small business tax deduction for meal expenses.


“This will mean lower tax for small businesses and a shot in the arm for hospitality at time when they need it most,” Mr Taylor said.


“If Labor really supported small businesses and Australia’s struggling hospitality sector then it would back our policy.” 


These policies are the beginning, not the end of the Coalition’s commitment to rebuild Australia’s small businesses, which simply can’t afford another three years of Labor.