Calls to redraft Barton Highway Terms of Reference

Thursday, 27 March 2014

27 March 2014

Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor has called for the redrafting of the terms of reference for the Barton Highway steering committee, which met for the first time in Yass today.

Mr Taylor has also called for more transparency around the role and objectives of the Barton Highway Improvement Strategy steering committee.

“I reject sections of the draft terms of reference. I am calling for the redrawing of the document,” Mr Taylor said.

“Key claims in the terms of reference are removed from reality and fail to take into account traffic growth on the highway. I have strong support on this from Member for Burrinjuck Katrina Hodgkinson, Yass Valley Mayor Rowena Abbey and the Duplicate the Barton Highway Community Action Group.

“I agree the steering committee needs to set short, medium and long term goals - but I completely reject the claim that duplication in a staged manner is not warranted in the short to medium term.

“The community is united on this. We are going after a staged duplication of the highway. And the community wants a delegate on the steering committee. Integral to the success of this process is its transparency and accountability to the community. After months of lobbying both State and Federal Ministers, I am not going to sit back and let a bunch of bureaucrats tell us about lack of economic viability for the project until 2038.

“The terms clearly state that further study must be done to take into account updated information on traffic flow, land use, population growth, social and environmental issues. This is the window we have and I’m jumping through it.

“I am working hard on the necessary steps to produce an effective case for full duplication - which will only be achieved through a staged, fully costed masterplan. I see this as the clear role of the steering committee.” Mr Taylor said he was this afternoon raising his concerns about the terms of reference document with Federal Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Jamie Briggs.