Statements by Members: Thank you to our volunteers

Thursday, 04 February 2016

Mr TAYLOR (Hume) (13:47): I would like to echo the Prime Minister's comments in the House this week, extending sympathy to those impacted by natural disasters this summer and thanking volunteers who have helped. In Hume, several fires have destroyed stock and property. Thankfully, no-one has been injured.

At Gunning, in my electorate, a fast-moving fire burnt 700 hectares just a couple of weeks ago. A number of power poles were destroyed at the new water treatment plant, which meant residents had to go on temporary water restrictions. Hundreds of stock had to be put down.

There were 180 firefighters, most of them volunteers, who turned up to the Gunning fire, and, for a village of only 500 people, that response rate speaks volumes. Thank you to all who stopped the fire jumping the Hume, including the mayor of the Upper Lachlan Shire, John Shaw, who lives at Gunning and was out fighting the fire with many others.

Can I also pay tribute to the Toparis family of Goulburn and their resilience. Their wonderful cafe, the Greengrocer, a social hub in my town and at the heart of Goulburn cycling, was burnt to the ground in January. We wish the family the very best in their recovery efforts.