Statements by Members: Federal funding for the Crookwell TV tower

Tuesday, 01 December 2015

Mr TAYLOR (Hume) (13:40): The Crookwell community is about to have a great start to the new year—their TV reception is about to be fixed, thanks to federal funding. After years of little progress, I was made aware of the extent of the issue when I was a candidate, running for parliament. I have spent many months working on this issue, and I am pleased to confirm that we have now signed funding contracts with council and Regional Broadcasters Australia for a retransmission service which will give a strong TV signal for Crookwell.

I was out at Wades Hill just over a week ago, where the existing tower currently beams the ABC TV signal to the community. The federal government has committed $280,000 to buy equipment which will allow access to Prime 7, WIN, Southern Cross and SBS. In today's Crookwell Gazette, Chair of Regional Broadcasters Australia, Shirley Browne, says:

This is a very good result for the community… RBAH has completed ordering the hardware for Wades Hill.

I encourage the local council to continue working closely with major stakeholders to ensure a smooth installation. Mayor John Shaw has thanked the federal government and has pledged to keep the community regularly informed about the upgrade and how residents can access the new service early in the new year.