• Wednesday, 02 March 2016

    Mr TAYLOR (Hume—Assistant Minister for Cities and Digital Transformation) (16:02): I have to say that I am puzzled by this MPI, because it talks about the government's attacks on superannuation, and yet I know nothing of such attacks. I can only assume one of two things: either this was a typo—and, given the sloppiness of your tax work, I suppose that is a real possibility—or, alternatively, yo...

  • Thursday, 25 February 2016

    Mr TAYLOR (Hume—Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister for Cities and Digital Transformation) (09:33): As this government knows, one of the biggest drivers of jobs and growth is investment in infrastructure. In my electorate of Hume, there is a strong case in point. The federal government has committed over $100 million into Hume infrastructure projects in the past two years.

    I am goin...

  • Tuesday, 23 February 2016


  • Thursday, 11 February 2016

    Mr TAYLOR (Hume) (10:58): It is a great pleasure to rise on the TPP today and a particular pleasure as the chairman of the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties. I want to open with an acknowledgement of the enormous contribution to Australia's growth in international trade we have seen from Minister Andrew Robb as well as from the current Deputy Prime Minister and former Howard government trade...

  • Wednesday, 10 February 2016

    Mr TAYLOR (Hume) (12:25): I rise to speak in support of the Tax Laws Amendment (New Tax System for Managed Investment Trusts) Bill 2015 and associated bills. As we have heard, these bills introduce a new tax system for managed investment trusts following the important recommendations that were made by the Board of Taxation in its report on the review of the tax arrangements applying to MITs, as...