Shocking start to bushfire season in Highlands
18 October 2013
With residents returning to burnt out properties around Yanderra, Balmoral and Bargo this morning, Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor has branded it a “shocking, early start” to the bushfire season.
“With weather conditions as they were yesterday, fanning this out of control fire in the Southern Highlands and many other blazes around NSW, it’s a reminder of the threat fire poses to our homes, our families and our livestock,” Mr Taylor said.
“My concern and sympathy goes out to the families near Balmoral, Yanderra, Bargo and Picton who have lost valuable property. This will be devastating for those affected and their local communities.
“I was on my way to Sydney yesterday and was diverted along the Illawarra Highway when the Hume was closed in the early afternoon. Thousands of motorists were trapped for hours in the chaos. The Hume is open again this morning but there are issues with Picton Rd.
“I understand about 8000 hectares of land has been burnt out in this fire. Many residents were evacuated yesterday and the public school at Yanderra is closed today.
“To residents returning to lost or damaged property this morning, I offer my deepest sympathy. Please be vigilant over coming days as further warm, windy weather is expected,” Mr Taylor said.
Mr Taylor will be visiting the Southern Highlands later today (Friday).