Ley_Taylor_Howarth JMR - Labor shortchanges Australians with smoke and mirrors on surcharges - Tuesday 15 October 2024

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Today’s announcement from Labor is another desperate attempt to hide its two years of failure to address the cost of living crisis. For Australians struggling with the cost of living, this is just a band aid on a bullet wound.


Labor’s announcement on surcharging lacks details and won’t make a difference at the check out. This is a plan for a plan, with no detail, and no impact until at least 2026.


Australians are hurting now from over two years of Labor’s homegrown inflation crisis.


This is a panicked government trying to hide its complete failure on the economy.


Over the last two and a half years, we have seen Labor blame everyone and everything but itself for its homegrown inflation crisis.


It is now trying to blame small businesses for the pressure they’re under because of Labor’s failed policies on workplace laws, energy and tax.


Labor has already failed to deliver its main payments policy at the last election - mandating least cost routing - which the Australian Small and Family Enterprise Ombudsman has estimated could save businesses and consumers $1 billion a year.


Labor’s big spending, big taxing policies and three failed budgets have seen prices rise by over 18% for working families.


This is a government that is out of touch and out of ideas.


Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for Small and Family Business, Sussan Ley called on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to step up and deliver policies that could save small businesses on the brink and help families facing a grim Christmas.


“From memes about chip packets to today’s plan to have a plan, Anthony Albanese’s only approach to addressing Labor's cost-of-living crisis seems to be trying to announce his way out of it.


"Labor is failing to properly manage the economy and that is why the rate of businesses going bust in this country is at the highest level on record.”


Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor said Labor continues to offer only band aid solutions.


“This “announcement” is completely void of detail and doesn’t offer any tangible solutions to the cost of living crisis in the here and now.


“Labor is fighting everyone and everything but its homegrown inflation. It’s fighting the RBA, the Productivity Commission, Labor elders, the laws of economics and now even small businesses.


“There are many unanswered questions that expose this as policy on the run, including why this only applies to debit, and not credit cards.


“The Coalition will bring prices down by managing our budget and reducing the cost of doing business.”


Shadow Assistant Treasurer and Shadow Minister for Financial Services Luke Howarth said the Albanese Government will dress anything up as a cost of living relief measure to hide its failure to control inflation.


“Australians are paying the price for Labor’s inaction on cost of living pressures. Now they are desperately announcing anything they can find to look like they are doing something - this time the RBA launching a review which should have commenced six months ago.


“Like Labor’s recent “shrinkflation” announcement which was quickly debunked by consumer advocates, Australians see straight through the lack of substance and detail.”