$100m infrastructure investment in Hume brings jobs, growth

Tuesday, 01 March 2016

Speaking in Parliament recently, Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor has outlined more than $100 million in infrastructure investment for the electorate in his first term.

“As this Government knows, one of the biggest drivers of jobs and growth is investment in infrastructure. In my electorate of Hume, there is a strong case in point. The federal government has committed over $100 million into Hume infrastructure projects in the past two years,” Mr Taylor said.

“Forty-four million dollars has been invested in Roads to Recovery, supporting local council road projects in Hume, and we are seeing the real impacts from a number of those projects,

“Just under $20 million from the National Stronger Regions Fund last year has gone to projects at Goulburn, Murrumbateman and Harden. Eleven million has been spent on the Barton Highway through safety works projects, and a further $12 million has been committed,

“Thirteen million has been invested through the bridges renewal and road black spot programs up to the end of 2015. We heralded this year another $3.7 million from round 2 of the Bridges Renewal Program. We received $2 million under the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program up to October last year,

“A further $3 million has been invested by the Commonwealth in 18 mobile phone black spot towers in Hume, and the first of those are starting to go up now.”

Mr Taylor said importantly, funding was also secured from the New South Wales government and telecommunications companies toward the new mobile phone towers, costing a total of $10 million across the electorate.

“Finally, we have had enormous investment, hard to quantify in dollar terms, in Hume's NBN rollout. This includes the laying of fibre in many major town centres and the building of more than 50 fixed wireless towers across the electorate. A good portion of those are up and running now,”

“The government is coming good on infrastructure investment for regional Australia and the jobs are flowing.”